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Phytosanitary and Market Access

    The threat posed by phytosanitary issues to market access is significant and ongoing.  The current management of oriental fruit fly and the concerns regarding false codling moth and oriental fruit moth are relevant examples.  The current research projects address several…

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      The research programme on nematodes is scaling down as Prof. A Malan is due to retire. The development of several potential biological control agents has resulted in private investment in developing the commercial production of entomopathogenic nematodes. Applied research on…

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      Orchard Floor Ecology

        Research on soil health and orchard floor ecology remains an important emerging theme in agriculture.  Current research is focused on cover crops and mulches and their effects on soils, soil biota and fruit production. Expertise: Integrated Pest Management Group |…

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        Pre-and-Post-Harvest Pathology

          The plant pathology research programme continues to address several important industry issues. Ongoing research on the incidence and distribution of fungal pathogens in young trees is highly relevant, and research was completed on the integrated management of apple scab and…

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          Integrated Pest Management

            The IPM research programme deals with a wide variety of crop protection issues. The basic research aim is to ensure the sustainable control of pests and diseases. Invasive insects and phytosanitary concerns have influenced the research programme significantly during the…

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            Precision Agriculture

              The development and application of new technology in the industry is vital. Aspects such as the development of more efficient spray application and evaluation methods are central to pest and disease control. Coupled with this is the use of artificial…

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