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Phytosanitary Training and Certification Module

Phytosanitary Monitoring and Inspection Assessment for Certification for Stone Fruit

In order to mitigate the risks associated with exports to markets with particular phytosanitary concerns, the fruit industries, including the stone fruit industry, have implemented management protocols and systems over the past few years.

An essential element of these systems and protocols is the monitoring and inspection for infestation of pest insects that are of particular concern to sensitive export markets. For the stone fruit industry, these pests are in particular false codling moth (FCM) and fruit fly.

Farms and packhouses are responsible for appointing orchard monitors and packhouse inspectors, ensuring that they are trained to perform these duties, and certifying them as competent.

Monitoring and Inspection for Phyto Markets – Stone Fruit Module (English)

Monitering en Inspeksie vir Fitosanitêre Markte – Steenvrugte (Afrikaans)

In order to enable the training and certification, the Citrus Academy, in collaboration with Hortgro, has developed a Monitoring and Inspection for Phytosanitary Markets: Stone Fruit – FCM and Fruit Fly audio-visual module. This module has been developed in English and Afrikaans to enable maximum accessibility.

This e-learning programme enables learners to complete an assessment to demonstrate their competence at monitoring and inspection.


  1. Complete the registration form here
  2. Watch the modules available below
  3. Complete the assessment

SA Orchard Training Videos

SA Orchard Training Videos – English


SA Orchard Training Videos – Afrikaans


SA Orchard Training Videos – Xhosa


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